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Checkboxes allow the user to select one or more items from a set.


The Checkbox component is the one to be used when you want to allow users to select multiple options. For toggling between on and off or single option selection, consider using a switch or radio button, respectively.

<Checkbox />






After installation, you can start building with this component using the following basic elements:

import Box from '@mui/joy/Box';
import Checkbox from '@mui/joy/Checkbox';

export default function MyApp() {
  return (
      <Checkbox label="Hello world!" />


When unchecked, the checkbox component uses the outlined variant. When checked, the variant changes to solid.


Checkbox, by default, comes without an unchecked component. To add an icon to both uncheck and checked states, use the uncheckedIcon and checkedIcon props.

Appear on hover

Target the icon by using the svg selector and then use opacity to show the unchecked icon when hovering the checkbox.

Without an icon

To rely only on variants to communicate the checkbox state change, use the disableIcon prop to remove the icon.

Pizza toppings

Focus outline

The focus outline, by default, wraps both the checkbox itself and its label. To change that, target the checkboxClasses.checkbox class and add position: 'relative'.


Technically, the checkbox component only has two states: checked or unchecked. However, visually, there is a third state called indeterminate.

It's common to find it in tables where you have one checkbox that selects every table row. Use the indeterminate prop to circle around these states.


To group multiple checkboxes, use role="group" on the wrapper component.

Combine with the List component to ensure consistent spacing and enable screen readers to interpret the checkbox group as a list. Learn more about checkbox accessible design patters in the W3C documentation.

Sandwich Condiments


Use the overlay prop to make the entire surface of the wrapper container the checkbox is in clickable.

Common examples

Filtering status

In this example, we're using variants and colors, within the ListItem and Checkbox component, to communicate state changes

Filter status

  • 8

  • 24

Filtering members

Note that in this example, we're using the CSS flexDirection: 'rowReverse' property to properly position the label and icon.

Don't forget to use the label prop to ensure proper checkbox accessibility.

Team members

Choice chips

You can use checkboxes to create a chip alike design, most often used to filter between different options.

Choose amenities